

Have you ever wondered why Ricky Martin kept singing > Shampoo, shampoo you down. in his hit-single “Livin’ la vida loca”? Or why he’s stating that > Her lips are deviled eggs.

Ce qui arrive

On Saturday we saw “Ce qui arrive”, a multi-media installation/concert by modern composer Olga Neuwirth. The setup consisted of a large screen which had a woman dancing/walking/sitting/singing in front

NIN Only

I stumbled upon Nine Inch Nails’ new video to “Only” from their fabulous “With Teeth” album. It’s an elegant little number, (purportedly) directed by David Fincher [

Goodbye Lebrisk

Tonight I’ll be listening live to Lebrisk [], my little brother’s brainchild and band for the last three years. Unfortunately, it’s going to be the first time