On half-sickness

I’ve been suffering from half-sickness for the last few days. The funny thing is, if you’re half-sick, you’re not just half-productive, you’re actually as productive as you were if you were fully sick. Which is not productive at all.

Right, so there I am, I’m half sick and I don’t get anything done. It’s really quite frustrating when you know you’ve got all day to do stuff, and after about six hours you notice that it just doesn’t work. You’re just too sick (but not sick enough, ’cause you’re half-sick).

The other downside is, that if you’re only half-sick, people will think you’re just pretending, because you don’t actually crawl around on the floor, whimpering in pain and holding your head.

You’re just a half-sick, you don’t get anything done, hoping that you’ll soon either become entirely sick or just totally unsick again.