In case you haven’t done so yet, please download Mozilla’s Firefox
[]. It’s a great browser, and it’s perfect for people
who want to customize a
Well, we’re back in Vienna. The holidays were wonderful and relaxing, so now
I’ve got new energy to take on a few tasks I’ve let linger for the last few
***Disclaimer:***Fucking profanity ahead.
I still have an account with MSN’s Hotmail [], which I
check once in a while because it has been my account for over seven
Well, obviously Christmas time is making people generous, that’s why I’ve got
another six invites to hand out. Once again, please leave a message with your
name and email-address in the
Lately there have been rumours that my great little register navigation bar at
the top of my page was positioned strangely for people using IE. Now, I normally
only check my site with