Since it’s Saturday, traditionally the day for idleness and general hilarity, I
decided to upgrade my WordPress [] installation to 1.5.1. I
don’t think it’s really
Alert: I’m noticing an increased interest lately in this posting from various
sources. Since I’ve seen stuff like that before, I guess someone’s using this
one as a front for
How I wish that fucking Star Wars thing was over. Out of ten visitors to this
site, seven are people who punched in “stormtrooper helmet” or something like
that into Google Images, only
Surfing the Google labs [], I noticed a new app called “
Google Web Accelerator []. It’s supposed to
speed up the loading of websites, even
For the last two years, Google has entertained us all with a plethora of great
services, and it seems every week they add another service which suddenly
becomes indispensable. Well, today they added