Since that update about my money being all gone, I’m suddenly obsessed with
getting an MP3 portable. I don’t know what it is, but the idea of having a
little gadget
Please note the freshly installed “Classic Homer” to your right. From now on,
Homer quotes will make your reading experience even more pleasant than before.
Thanks to a WP plugin called Witty, which
It’s here, it’s here. The 1.0 version of the year. Go and download Mozilla’s
very own fiery mammal [].
Obviously, Technorati [], the blog search engine, has
been improved, because now my posts are listed. I have pinged Technorati from
day one of my log, but something just didn’
As most of you know, I love food. Since it’s Sunday and no pressing matters are
tearing away at my sensitive brain-tissue, I’ll just write a bit about food. As