Upon listening to a mashup which included an Elvis Presley song called “Crying
in the Chapel”, I suddenly was reminded of little ampules filled with powders
and a little instrument with which to
Well, I bought my ticket for the Nine Inch Nails concert in May. Of course, I
almost missed a lecture, not because there were so many people queuing, but
because the woman responsible
The Aardvark [http://homepage.univie.ac.at/horst.prillinger/blog/] has posted
about his “most eagerly awaited record release this year”
I’m not big on answering chain-mails, except maybe to send a link back to the
sender proving that the content of the mail is pure rubbish, thought up by some
college student
Just recently I again listened to my records of Jeff Buckley, and I was once
again amazed at how much of a musician and song-writer he was. Alright, so his
last album