Update: LibraryThing mastermind Tim has finished integrating BookMooch (and a
few other book-swapping sites) into LibraryThing. Yay! Finally I can try to put
my Java book [http://www.librarything.com/work/278306&
Well, since everyone and their Grandma are pushing towards content on mobile
phones, it doesn’t exactly come as a surprise that LibraryThing
[http://librarything.com], everybody’s favourite online library and cataloguing
Check out this page [http://www.librarything.com/test_recentbooks.php] where you
can see the books being added to LibraryThing [http://librarything.com],
greatest online library service on the web (where else,
In 1984
, Orwell elaborately worked on the notion that in the
Good news. I’ve been sponsored with a one-year account for LibraryThing
[http://www.librarything.com], so now I can start to test this service to my
heart’s content. First off, here’