LibraryThing update

Good news. I’ve been sponsored with a one-year account for LibraryThing, so now I can start to test this service to my heart’s content. First off, here’s my collection of books in LibraryThing.

Secondly, there are a few inaccuracies from my last post I should clear up. LibraryThing does of course support adding books via ISBN and its various cousins. I just overlooked that. And, something I found out today, LibraryThing lets you add covers to the various books yourself. Which is really quite useful if you’re adding books long out of print or just not in any database with the correct cover. You’ll notice that I’ve managed to turn my catalogue into a “blank-free” zone. I know, it’s not crucial, but if I choose to have a visual representation of my collection, I may as well have it with all the right covers.

Right, I’ll keep adding books to my database, and am really looking forward to the social experience of it all. Who knows, maybe some people out there have an equally eclectic mix?