I wrote about Diigo [http://www.diigo.com], the social annotation and
bookmarking service, a while ago
[https://stormgrass.com/archives/2006/01/02/diigo-the-annotating-heaven/]. Back then I
was already quite taken with
I just got my invitation (I’ll quit writing about “invites”, it just isn’t a
noun) to a beta account for Ma.gnolia [http://ma.gnolia.com]. What does
Ma.gnolia [http:
After reading about (and setting up accounts in) various new and old social and
asocial bookmarking services, I’ve now reached the point where I need some new
service which will allow me
flock [http://flock.com] together.”
As you may have guessed from my rather slick introduction, I just discovered
Flock [http://flock.com], the newest in cool Firefox-altered technology.
It’s basically a slick,