Having decided to focus more on writing on my blogs again, I’m realising just
how many I’ve created over the years (and subsequently neglected). Over the last
two days, I did
I’ve been blogging for more than 15 years now, and even though there have been
gaps in output (most notably the current one which is somewhere in the three
years region), I’
UPDATE: Of course this whole post is absolutely outdated. If for some obscure
reason you've happened upon it, here's what happened: The original blog has been
re-incorporated into this,
[http://www.tumblr.com]If you are like me, you quite probably won’t read this
because your attention span is similar to that of a freshly hatched fruit fly.
That’s why
Since I’m too cheap (or rather “frugal”) to pay the 100€ for Blogtalk Reloaded
[http://blogtalk.net/] here in Vienna, I will attend another blogging event
today [http://www.ub.univie.ac.