Neal Stephenson and IKEA

I just read parts of acclaimed novelist Neal Stephenson’s website, and stumbled upon his mentioning of his novel Zodiac. That’s what he says:

Zodiac: the eco-thriller is somewhat more mature but still quite obviously the work of a young man with a lot of spare time on his hands.

Now, I haven’t read this novel yet, at the moment I’m deep inside Cryptonomicon, hesitant to finish it because I want it to last, so I can’t say anything about it really. But when reading Stephenson’s comment, I remembered seeing multiple volumes of this book stacked in book-shelves inside the IKEA showrooms in Vienna. It is probably important to note that they were the translated Swedish version. So that’s the question of the day: Why Zodiac? Because Swedes don’t care for Neal Stephenson? Because IKEA likes Neal Stephenson and wanted to boost sales for his books? Or because Zodiac is commonly called an eco-thriller, and IKEA wants to convey they care for the environment? Or was it simply a design question which led the showroom designers to pick that book? In case anyone has an answer to that question, please feel free to post it in my comments.