A few days in Munich, Part II

This is a meticulous retelling of the second day spent in  Munich about a month ago. If you are a slave of chronology, do look at part 1 first.

As described in detail in that first part, we spent our first day  mostly drinking and eating. If you thought day two would be the same,  you're sorely mistaken. Well, somewhat mistaken.

Being the culture vultures we are, we spent most of the next day in  museums. The first one we visited was the Treasury inside the Munich  Residenz, the former palaces of the Bavarian monarchs.

It holds things of great value and sometimes even more fun: like this thing here:


The weather was quite spectacular, made even better by ambling along equally spectacular buildings and monuments:

The Pinakothek der Moderne, which, as the name suggests, has modern art on display.

The Neue Pinakothek, the museum that holds mostly 19th and earlier 20th century art. More about that a bit later.


And finally a monument of Maximilian of Bavaria, one of the rulers who  did what rulers do until they die to be eventually erected as statues  throughout the lands.

Like these pieces of juicy pork with extra crackling and dumplings.

Invigorated, we went back to the Pinakothek der Moderne, which, apart from housing a generous collection is also an impressive building by itself:


This here is the front, the one above is from the side and the one right  at the top of this post is from right inside this main entrance hall.  It has all the right amounts of brutalism to keep me entertained.

But, looking at art, regardless of its worth to me and mankind, is a tasking endeavour, so right after the Neue Pinakothek we didn't have a choice but to make our way to the English Garden, Munich's most famous park, in order to yet again taste their beer in oversized containers  right under the Chinese Tower.

This is not the Chinese tower. I did not take a picture of the Chinese Tower.

This is a picture of an oversized container of beer, though.

As it was my birthday, I decreed that the rest of the day would be spent eating and drinking. Which we did.

We went and had a meal at a place that had a very typically Bavarian  name, which I forgot. The food, again, was right down my alley, though.


We ended this day by having a nightcap at a French themed place near where we lived, yet another name I forgot, which in turn reminds me that  I should probably write things down more often.


Do come back for part 3 of this riveting tale. For it will show you  what we did on on the third and final day (if you're guessing museums  and food, you might be on to something).