The Martini Chronicles

As promised in my first post, I’ll not just be writing about food but about drink as well. And in my case drink mainly means dry Martinis.

I started mixing Martinis out of curiosity a bit more than a year ago, and well, I didn’t stop. In the early days of my mixing adventures I kept a regular log of my progress, aptly titles “The Martini Chronicles”. Check them all out at my mothership, Stormgrass.

And for those of you who don’t want to spend their time sifting through my old updates, I’ve written a Google Knol on how to mix the perfect Martini. I got mad props from the whole of the Internet posse for that (11 reviews resulting in 4 1/2 of 5 stars!), so basically, I’m the new Martini guru. And rightly so, cause I even read a book about Martinis which I got from my girlfriend for my last birthday.

Here’s the link to my knol. Read it, breathe it and soon you’ll be mixing your own!