I just updated to WordPress 2.0 [http://wordpress.org/download] and the newest
revision of K2 [http://binarybonsai.com/k2]. As always there was a bit of CSS
editing involved, all in
Well, I feel like a total nerd because I waited all day on the 6th, expecting a
message on Digg [http://www.digg.com] or Slashdot [http://slashdot.com] that
Google Calendar
Uh oh, after reading this article
[http://www.43folders.com/2005/12/05/cogito-ergo-tara/] on 43 Folders
[http://www.43folders.com/], I think I may be suffering from N.A.D.D
Well, here’s some sound advice, worthy of at least a mention in Lifehacker
[http://www.lifehacker.com], maybe even a whole series featuring me elaborating
on my advice:
If you ever own
Sometime last week, Microsoft presented live.com [http://www.live.com]. It’s
basically their try to latch onto what they perceive as the whole Web 2.0
movement. Until a few days