Well, I finally took the plunge and installed Kubuntu Linux
[http://www.kubuntulinux.org]. Right now it’s looking great, and I guess it’ll
stay that way. The path to Kubuntu wasn’
I shouldn’t be updating my site right now, since I’ve got a shitload of words to
put together for my paper due tomorrow, but this article
Quote of the day:
> In order to rip to MP3s, you need software that was born into proprietory
Read the whole – excellent – article
[http://www.virtualsky.net/daves/2005-08.htm] on
Christoph from engadgeted.net [http://engadgeted.net] has written a post
[http://www.engadgeted.net/archives/2005/04/03/the-weekly-feedcycle/] about
being overwhelmed by his feed reader. I can absolutely relate to what
Last night, the built in spam protection in WordPress [http://wordpress.org]
fended off about 200 attempts to spam my comments. They all safely landed in my
moderation queue, the only downside was