Of Roasts

I’ve written about how to make the best pork roast ever on here before. I’d be mental to try to rival my own writing, so I won’t put up yet another recipe. I’ll just leave you with an image of the pork roast I had last Saturday. It’s without the crunchy stuff on top, but it comes complete with carrots and potatoes. What else would you need?

I must admit, my contributions to above masterpiece were minimal. And by minimal I mean I looked at the raw meat and deemed it roast-worthy. The rest was done by my parents, who for some inexplicable reason have made it their life-habit to feed my hungry gullet. If you find above roast looks delicious, tell me in the comments and I’ll forward it on to them. The more elaborate your praise is, the happier they will be. So don’t be stingy with those words, ok?