Testing the Obsidian Plugin

In my never-ending quest to find new ways to make use of Obsidian, I've happened upon this community plugin for Obsidian, which lets me publish texts from within Obsidian. If everything went according to plan, this file in my local Obsidian vault should be turned into a post on my blog right after clicking the Ghost icon in the left sidebar.

Let's see if it works! See you on the other side.

PS: It did work, but it seems to only put it on Ghost as a draft. Also, locally pasted images are not uploaded, so what you see above is what I pasted in right before publishing on Ghost. Still, it's a nice way to draft texts in Obsidian.

EDIT: I studied this plugin's extensive documentation (one README) a bit more, and as it turns out, with a bit of frontmatter, I can in fact push this right onto the blog, without a detour to the drafts. This way I can also add tags, a title (if I don't want to use the document's name in Obsidian) and can also add an excerpt. It's very handy and I like it.