A new design…I’m currently working out the kinks, more about it later.
I accidentally removed the index and layout file for the site….and didn’t notice
it for two hours, haha. Well, that’s what happens when nobody visits your site,
you grow lazy.
Finally, Austria’s own Telekom is going to have to think of something new to
keep their customers happy. Tele2, Swedish phone giant itself, has taken over
UTA [http://www.primezone.com/newsroom/
Hey, university upped the transfer-limit for ADSL…it’s now 8 GB fair-use, which
makes it 10 GB effectively. Now that’s good news. Want more information on the
service? Go here [http:
I just bought a quadruple USB 2.0 hub at Hofer [http://www.hofer.at], for the
unbelievable price of 11,99 Euros. I love that place!