One becomes Two

In an attempt to abuse my massive readerbase to aid me in my sinister plans for world domination, I’ve taken the next logical step: I split my blog in two.

For all those of you who come here to read about my everyday exploits, rejoice! For from now on, that’s all you’re going to get here.

For those of you who value my learned view of all things technical, may it be the latest AJAX homepage, or yet another online feedreader, you will be happy to learn that from now on you won’t be diverted by my rants about medieval Bishops or crappy Austrian TV anymore.
Just head on over to tech.stormgrass, “The Excitement of Tech Stuff”, and enjoy.

This little badge:
will be sitting in this blog’s sidebar, clicking it will take you straight to my newly created blog of tech wonders.

Have a wonderful time, and don’t hesitate to leave a slew of emails congratulating me on my brave decision