Moo - not a cow

mooWhile it may certainly sound like yet another web2.0-centric folly that’s catering to the owners and/or lovers of the bovine kind, is in fact nothing like that. No, it’s actually a service that has been around for a while, but only recently have they launched what will probably propell them into the heavens of web2.0 stardom (and quite possibly riches as well).

The great thing about it? It’s such a simple idea! Moo, specializing in creating tiny photo business cards for people who don’t care for boring standard white cards, have teamed with Flickr, prototypical web2.0 company and everyone’s favourite photo sharing site, to let people import their pictures from Flickr and then create sets of mini Flickr business cards. And the thing that really makes them stand out? The give out ten free cards to the first 10,000 Flickr users with pro accounts. That way, people will be able to see how the system works (flawlessly and very elegant) and how they like their cards. Later on, if you do like them, you can order 100 card sets for the price of only 19,99USD. For me, that sounds like a swell deal.

So, if you’re a Flickr user, go and check it out. And if you’re a pro, you might even still get your free 10 cards. By the way, they send them out globally, which is a good thing for people like me who don’t happen to live in the Bay Area.

moo way