Get rid of fat with Traineo

traineoIf you’re like me, you eat too much and don’t do a lot of exercise (If you’re really like me, you’ve actually picked up running but noticed your legs falling off and decided to forget the idea of looking like a modern-day Adonis in favour of, well, legs). Right, so to work against that development of no walk, much eat, a new service recently went online.

Traineo, a name that somehow doesn’t sound like a seasoned copy-writer’s idea, is a service that lets people sign up, add their stats, and then gives them the option of stating a desired weight. From then on, each day they sign in, they add their daily calories, workout and all sorts of other health/body/weight related things. They also offer the option of adding other people as motivators, so the whole thing really becomes one big, social weight-loss fest, on the way to everyone’s biggest goal: The desired weight!

The implementation of the service is very smooth, with an abundance of AJAX giving the whole thing a nice, rounded look (ha, pun intended!). Overall, the service is a nice addition to the lifehack-niche of Web2.0 services.

And hey, maybe it helps me in my quest to finally fit into my Rubyred Labs shirt.

Screenshots below:

The quick intro on the homepage
Their homepage gives people a quick intro to the service.

The private section
The members section lets users add all sorts of information, from their work-out routine to up to ten motivators.