"Fuck you Stephen Joyce"

Beginning of this year, James Joyce’s main body of work was released into the public domain. Most people are happy about it but the good fight against Joyce’s sole heir Stephen Joyce is not yet over, writes The New Yorker:

Sam Slote, one of the academics D. T. Max interviewed, now teaches English literature at Trinity College Dublin, and is a prominent figure in Joyce studies. When I spoke to him, he was careful to disabuse me of any impression that the estate might now be out of Joyce scholars’ lives for good. He pointed out that the status of the posthumous publications—the letter and manuscripts, for instance, as well as “Stephen Hero” (an unfinished autobiographical novel which Joyce radically revised as “A Portrait”) and “Giacomo Joyce” (a fragmentary, poetic account of Joyce’s relationship with a female student)—is still unclear.

Read the whole thing here.