What is this? Well, while it may look like an ordinary pack of Chili con Carne base, it’s in fact much more than that. It’s yet another brainchild of a marketing division with money to burn. The product? A 15 minute loan.
I guess the initial meeting with the ad agency went like that:
Marketing hack: “We’ve got a new loan we want to promote. It’s a 15 minute loan.
Ad guy: Whoa, that’s really quite speedy.
Marketing hack: Speedy? As in Speedy Gonzales? Hahaha, you’re a genius! Here, have a cigarre, I’ll light it for you…WITH A 500 EURO BILL, HAHAHAHA!
And for the people who don’t watch TV, listen to the radio or read newspapers, they simply bought a whole lot of Chili con Carne base, slapped a sticker with Speedy onto it and now hand it out to unsuspecting future creditees.
I really should have gone into advertising.