Save the words, or How I adopted magophony

Ever heard of “divinipotent”, “exlineal” or “famigerate”? Well, neither have I. Until today, when I was made aware of Save the Words. Created by Oxford Press, the site displays a number of words so unknown, they might even go extinct. If you find a word you like, you register and adopt it. It is then your duty to start using that word as often as possible, in order to keep it from dying.

I of course registered and adopted the word “magophony”, which describes “the slaying of priests or magi”. Apt choice in these times of clerical turmoil, I might add.

I even received a certificate (which contains a grammatical error):


As a bonus, you can buy a t-shirt with your new adopted word printed right on it. So, don’t be an aquabib and start adopting now!